Monday, March 21, 2011



What am I doing wrong?
Understanding why the problems are happening is half the battle.  Below are some of the most common issues our technicians encountered and how to troubleshoot them.
Issue 1: Why are my clients feeling tacky after their session?
All solutions will have a slight tack immediately following an airbrush application.  This should dissipate within an hour.  If the client feels very tacky or the tackiness persists for longer than an hour, then your technique may be the issue.
* Check the PSI setting on your applicator.  PSI stands for “Pounds per Square Inch”.  It regulates the amount of solution that comes out of your gun.  If not set properly, your applicator will release too much solution during the session.  Not only will you waste solution, you will over saturate the client’s skin, resulting in the extended tackiness.
* Don’t confuse the depth of the bronzer with the final outcome.  Many times technicians feel that they must airbrush their client until the cosmetic bronzer looks deep and rich.  Again, this will over saturate the skin.  Cosmetic bronzers will not deepen the tan, using a solution with the correct level of DHA for your clients skin tone will.
Issue 2: Why is the solution pooling on my clients skin?
Pooling can happen for any number of reasons.  Keep in mind that the client’s skin should glisten not look wet when applying the solution.
* Too much solution is coming out of the gun.  If the PSI setting on the applicator is too high, you will over spray your client.  This will result in pooling.  Check the setting on your gun before you begin your application.
* The application is too slow.  Each stroke should be applied with medium speed and a steady movement.  If your stroke is slow, you will apply too much solution.
* An applicator engaged must be in motion.  Do not point the applicator and then engage the trigger.  You will most definitely cause pooling at your start point.  Always engage the trigger before you begin spraying your client.
* Your client did not prepare properly for the session.  A client who has used lotion, perfume, deodorant, moisturizing shave creams, body washes or depilatories the day of their session will have a leftover film that acts as a barrier.  This will not allow the solution to penetrate causing it to pool on the skin.
Issue 3: My client called the day after her session to tell me she is too light.
There are a couple of technician errors that can cause this to happen.
* Proximity of applicator to skin.  If the applicator is too far from the skin then a smaller amount of solution will cover the skin, hence a lighter result.  Make sure you are no farther than six inches from the area you are airbrushing.
* Speed of application.  While a slow motion application can cause pooling (see issue above), moving too quickly can result in too light a sunless tan.  Your stroke pace should be at a steady medium speed.  Anything faster may result in less solution landing on the skin resulting in a lighter color.
Who would think an airbrush technician would have to be an airbrush detective?
When a technician gives a perfect airbrush application they may still receive complaints from their clients.  Many times the complaint will stem from the client doing something to hinder the DHA development process. Client complaints can cost the technician time in repairs and re-applications, as well as cost the technician money and potentially clients.
Troubleshooting customer complaints can be tricky but is necessary in order to prevent future incidents.  Below are some examples of customer complaints that our technicians received along with the reasons for the poor outcome of the spray tan.
Problem 1: I have these white marks going down the inside of my legs.
Answer 1: The client wore skinny jeans after her session.  The seams caused friction, which rubbed off the solution before it developed. Remember to tell your client to wear loose clothing while the DHA develops.
Problem 2: I have these patches where the solution didn’t develop behind my knees, inner arms and back.
Answer 2: The client is a night sweater.  The sweating caused the solution to stop developing.  Have your client get their airbrush in the morning and shower just before going to bed.
Problem 3: I don’t know what happened.  I have no color on my calves or my feet.
Answer 3: The client received a pedicure after her session, which stripped off the color.  Make sure all clients receive manicures, pedicures, hair appointments and waxing 24 to 48 hours prior to their sessions.
Problem 4: There is color on my hand and a smudge on my face.
Answer 4: The client slept with her hands resting on her face causing the solution to develop on her palm.  As with problem 2, if you have an active sleeper, have them make their appointments in the morning and shower before going to bed.
Problem 5: You missed a spot on my nose.
Answer 5: The client sneezed and blew her nose after her session.   Many clients are careless with their airbrush because they do not understand how delicate an airbrush is while developing.  Make sure to explain to your clients that they must be careful until the sunless tan has completely developed.